About St. Michael’s Soldiers
Why Support St. Michael’s Soldiers?
Michael’s Soldiers is dedicated to the support of the deployed men and women of our United States Military, local active military, and their families.
In our current world of uncertainty, there is one thing that always stands true, the Men and Women of our United States Military put their lives on the line daily to protect our Freedoms. They miss their families, they miss their homes and normal way of life, but they serve proudly no matter the danger and we do our best to let our troops and their families know their sacrifices do not go unrecognized.
Our Motivation
Kathy and Jim Signorile, the founders of St. Michael’s Soldiers, began by sending packages to their family members serving overseas. “I was sending care packages to my family members but, what happens is, once you have family and then they have friends, they become family too,” Kathy Signorile said. “So you’re sending these big packages because everyone needs to get something.”
Soon the effort mushroomed into much more.
“Then in June 2010, I went to bed one night and …” she paused as she wiped tears from her eyes. “God explained to me that it was really nice what I was doing, but it wasn’t what he wanted me to do.
“I needed to do this full time.”
Signorile said by the time she woke up, she knew the business plan right down to the logo. She said God gave her specific instructions for raising startup funds, a full business model, even the logo. “It took me three or four days to tell my husband for fear that he’d think I was crazy,” she said. The future founder and president of St. Michael’s Soldiers admits she had doubts about explaining the vision to her husband, so she prayed for a sign. Later, finding her husband washing dishes, she was convinced. “I was expecting a small sign, not a full blown miracle,” she said. “Fortunately, he said we have to do this immediately. “So we started in the front guest room of our house with three little plastic shelves.”

Founder and President

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